Amusing links
Below are a few 'odd things' people have found on the internet. There are many more out there so if you find one you want to share just mail me and I'll put it up.
This list of links will grow as I stumble across more odd things. (There are also more I intend to add when I have time.)
:: Just found this link, rooting around b3ta. This guy Dave, is very talented; the results produced are very funny indeed.
The Infamous Worm Game :: A steady hand is needed, click to make the worm go up, let go to let it go down. Easy? don't bet on it! ... Another addictive pointless game? absolutly!
B3ta :: A collaboration of all things odd, aimed at an audiance with my kind of humor. They love the web and help to make it the obscure and diverse place we all apreciate.
Online Scalextric :: This is great, yet another addictive game to add to your collection. Build your own track then race the parrot or a friend... enjoy! (you need the Shockwave plugin, but it's worth it!)
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Boyfriend 5.0 upgrade :: Looking for the manual for your partner? wanting to phone tech support for a quick hint to help your upgrade to husband 1.0? well take a look at this FAQ first. (Found by Maria)
Spong Monkeys :: Another fantastic addition from The spong monkeys like the moon; naturally though, not as much as a spoon.
Weebl and Bob :: mmmmmmmmmmmm pie!
Fly Guy :: We discovered this link from Richards site, 'fly guy' is a fantastic pixel art animation. Have a go, fly arround and bump into various creatures and objects (including Mary Poppins and a squid) but stay away from the office appliancies as they send you back to the bus stop; see what happens when you reach the top. You need Flash MX to use it.
Teddies :: Again found from a link in Richard's site, this is really quite addictive!
a kitten in a blender :: Its just a picture... its not real. (As found by Joe)
Evil finder :: Type in your name to find out if you are evil. There are also some very talented photos hidden on the site.
'Unconcerned housemates' :: Paul's entry to the 'blood bath' horror story competiton. Tony eaten, housemates unphased. Other stuff Paul has writen can be found at
:: One of the funniest things I have seen online in quite some time, well worth a look! - this flash animation deals with the awkward social situation that ensues when someone tries to eat someone else's head. (I found it indirectly, through
Captain Safety Site :: A sort of blog which has lots of funny links within.
The party site :: I cannot really give this site a description, its just odd.
Engrish :: A site devoted to the humorous English mistakes that appear in Japanese advertising and product design. Although mainly from Japan, the site features English bloopers from arround the world... so think before you next buy a top with something writen in foreign, it could say the opposite of what you think it does.
- :: We all became adicted to this site in the first year of university, especialy the 'blode' animations! [Brightly coloured cartoon adventures of 'Blode' and 'Food' set to techno]
And now, a quote: Today's subliminal message is: [Aniline J. Squark]