
Im not going to help all those geeks out there who are trying to get way from the the sterio-type of geeks liking Star Trek, but never mind :)

Inspired by a post on Richards' site, I found somewhere which gave instructions on how to create a model of the starship Enterprise out of a floppy disk.

So, being the 'Trekie' that I am, I couldn't resist it ...

my model ship pictured next to a green planet

This is my 'mini Enterprise', a bit harder to make than the site suggested (and it doesnt half wreck a pair of sissors)

due to perspectice, Im holding the model ship to make it look like it's parked

In the style of making small things look big, here is my mini ship parked down the side of the road near my house.

A picture of the model ship and a matchstick

The Enterprise meets its match :p