The perfect chicken pie
- 2 Breasts of chicken - chopped
- Oil (I used a mix of sesame and Olive oil)
- 1 chicken Oxo cube
- 1/2 pint Boiling water
- 1 egg yolk
- Freshly ground black pepper
- 1 pack Sainsburys freh shortcrust pastry (or be adventurous and make your own)
- Eating apparatus
- Pie Dish
- Measuring jug
- Spoon
- Small bowl and fork for beating egg
- Rolling pin (or wine bottle)
- Frying Pan and stirer
Preheated to 200*C / 400*F / gas mark 6
- Start by chopping up the chicken into very small pieces - or, if you are like me and very much dislike the feel of meat, find a studly man to chop the chicken for you.
- Fry the now chopped chicken in a mix of sesame and olive oil.
- When it turns that nice 'cooked-chicken' white add one finely crumbled chicken oxo cube slowly stiring all the time. Then add a bit of freshly ground black pepper, stir and add a tinsey bit more.
- I know this is cheating using ready made pastry but... - roll the 'sainsburys fresh shortcrust pastry' so you have enough to line your pie dish and for a top. I am also aware that very few students own a rolling pin, (it was just never one of those things you thought you would need) we used a wine bottle instead; very useful and there is always one lying around when you need one.
- Roast chicken flavour bisto gravy was perfect for the pie-ness, so just follow the instructions on the back of the pack, 1/2 pint of boiling water added to 4 heaped teaspoons is plenty
- Line the pie dish with the pastry (make a small chicken shaped piece of pastry to decorate)
- Mix the chicken and the gravy together and pour into the dish
- Afex the lid to the main pie bit with the fork, joining and pressing it around the edges
- Brush the top with wisked egg
- Add the pastry chicken and brush that with egg too
- place in the oven for about 30 mins or untill golden and looking tasty
NOTE; Handy hint ... use the excess pastry to make Jam tarts! - they only take about 15 mins
Serves 2