Sites using my code
Below is a list of sites (that I know of) which use my code, or a variant of my code:
- - Matthew O'Hara has a nice implementation on his site, which fits in superbly with his current site design.
- - This site was using the ShoutBox as part of his site, it doesn't appear to be there at the moment.
- - Nitin has a stylish implementation of the ShoutBox which opens in a new window, allowing you to browse his site at the same time. he has also made it so clicking on a web page from someone's shout also opens in a new window.
- - Stijn Blomme holds a Dutch site, with a very sweet variation on the ShoutBox idea, the website url is now compulsory and appears as a link on the bottom of the page with the name as the link text and the title is the actual 'shout' as it were. (the Dutch for clicking 'add' by the way is: "Toevoegen")
Sites inspired by this ShoutBox:
- - Andy's implementation known as the 'chocolate log' is totally different to mine, using different code, by his own admission he 'borrowed only the idea of a ShoutBox'. I thought I'd mention him here though because his implementation is beautiful, the form boxes and post button are very stylish, but what I really liked was the ordered list idea on the most recent shouts. A very nice ShoutBox indeed.
- - Chris's ShoutBox also doesn't use my code and is based only on the idea. His version runs on a database and he has plans for future development of the basic idea. Another nice feature of this is the seamless way he has integrated flash with PHP.
I would love to add more sites here, so mail me if you have used a variant of my code, and I'll add you to this list.